Thursday, October 15, 2009

Not amused today.

So today was supposed to be my "trial run", and it didn't work out. I love that management doesn't fill each other in on their plans, so it seems like I'm in the wrong. COOL. Sarah, Annie and I are going to check out (and potentially join) Dolphin Fitness Clubs tomorrow. Apparently we're starting to wake up at 6am to work out before we all go to work... We'll see how long that works out.
It's been really cold... Forties all week and projected weather is RAIN until Monday. Which means I don't have to worry about being stuck outside for work, but also that getting to work is going to be a pain because of train delays and traffic. In need of a leather jacket, headed to Urban Outfitters or somewhere this weekend to look around. I hope my paycheck tomorrow is a big one so that I don't have to feel guilty about buying one I really like. Apparently I worked 43 hours this past week... Looking forward to that three hour overtime pay of $19.50 (:
A kid was picked up this week that they think was linked in the robbery of our apartment, which is good for us, because that means we're that much closer to finding out if we can get anything back, but bad for 13-year-old Parrott who would rather skip out of his group home to rob people he doesn't even know.. Good riddance on him getting caught so soon. Apparently there were 14 robberies linked to him and his friends. Wow. Like GO TO SCHOOL!
I really should start getting in bed earlier. Cheers to that.

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