Saturday, January 2, 2010

HELLO 2010!

I've never been one to make and keep my "Resolutions", but I feel like 2010 is the year to (try and) start.
1. Live life like today is my last day. No regrets, and no intentional fuck ups.
2. Deny myself of one thing that I want every day.
Whether it's a coke, chocolate or a conversation with someone that hurts me.
3. Do one thing every day that my 2009 self wouldn't have.
4. Drink no coffee, regular sodas and cheap champagne (unless a special occasion).
5. Blog more.
6. Smile more, and cherish the relationships in my life that matter the most to me.
7. Keep in touch with family.
8. Be brunette for an entire year.
9. Listen to music. All the time.
10. Sit for at least 30 minutes a day and just think, without speaking.
11. Get a non-human companion, and keep one.
And last, 12. Never complain about something that makes me smile.

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