Saturday, January 9, 2010

IPhone blogging..

I resolved to blog more this year, and this genius app will aide me in doing just that. (: So far, this has been a difficult year. Ericka lost her best friend yesterday and I found out earlier tonight that Chris is in a coma. The saying about bad things happening in threes really hits me right now. Granted, there's only one for me so far, but 2009 had such great casualties for myself and my family that I don't know if I'm strong enough to handle going through something like that again.
I still haven't unpacked my suitcase. I literally am living out of my large Samsonite and small carry-on suitcases. I've been home since WEDNESDAY and have yet to light a fire under my own ass. I guess it's all this working and drama. Maybe it's finally getting to me. Who knows.. Maybe 2010 will be the year that I learn to show emotion and drive myself. But like I said, who knows. Plus, it's only January! Give a girl some credit! (;

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